central and eastern europe

peter pflÜgler


Keď som mal dva roky, môj otec sa pobral do lesa s tým zámerom, že sa už nikdy nevráti.
Moji rodičia mlčali o tomto pokuse o samovraždu takmer 20 rokov. Napriek tomu som pociťoval nevysvetliteľné volanie navštíviť miesto, kde sa to stalo, a na výročie tejto udalosti ma zaplavila vlna smútku.
Tento projekt sa začal ako hľadanie stôp po dobre stráženom rodinnom tajomstve. Keď som sa vracal k traume mojich rodičov – k miestam, predmetom a spomienkam, ktoré v podstate neboli moje –, zistil som, že táto trauma bola celý čas vo mne. Moje telo si bolo toho vždy vedomé.
Toto nie je len príbeh o pokuse o samovraždu. Je o nemožnosti uchovať tajomstvá, o tom, čo povieme, keď sa niečo snažíme skryť. Je o bolesti spôsobenej z lásky, o zložitosti mlčania a o nevysvetliteľnom smútku chlapca.
Mami, oci, toto je vaša trauma, zabalená do množstva farebných prikrývok, ktorú ste v láskyplnom objatí nevedomky preniesli na mňa.
Budem ju niesť opatrne.

Kurátor: Thomas Licek

When I was two years old, my father went into the woods, intending never to return.
For nearly 20 years, my parents kept silent about his suicide attempt. Yet, I felt an inexplicable pull to the place where it happened, and on its anniversary, a wave of grief would wash over me. When my parents finally told me the truth, everything began to make sense.
This project began as an investigation into the traces of a well-kept family secret. As I revisited my parents’ trauma—the places, objects, and memories that were not truly mine—I discovered that the trauma was inside me all along. My body had always known.
This is not just a story about a suicide attempt. It is about the impossibility of keeping secrets, about what we share when we try to hide. It is about pain inflicted out of love, the complexity of silence, and the unexplainable sadness of a child.
Mum, Dad, this is your trauma, wrapped in countless colourful blankets, yet unknowingly passed on to me in a loving embrace.
I will carry it with care.

Curator: Thomas Licek

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